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The Inca Empire

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who held the top position in the Inca class?
The emperor, or Sapa Inca
What connected all of the Inca cities?
Which current day country is NOT where the Incas lived?
What did the Incas use to carry their goods on the roads?
Where did the Inca live?
South America
Why is so little known about the early history of the Incas?
They didn't have a system of writing
The Incan capital city is located in the present-day country of _____.
Many countries or peoples ruled by one ruler or king is known as an ______.
The Incas had an elaborate ____ system (a network of pipes and canals to bring water from the rivers to the fields).
Francisco _____ was a Spanish explorer who helped conquer the Inca civilization.
_____ was a city in the Incan empire located high up in the mountains.
Machu Picchu
_____ was the capital of the Inca empire.
A ____ was a system of knotted strings that helped record information and numbers.
The Incas used what is known as ______ farming in order to grow crops on the mountainsides.
The Incas lived in the ____ mountains