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Vocabulary #4
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The variation was now very little.
In the variation is the price.
The variation was now very small.
In the variation is the price
. The Hope of Survival
I speak of real survival.
He must survive among the pages.
. Action and effect of surviving.
16.- That is not natural.
In a very natural way.
15.-I don't know what Mutate
15.-I don't know what Mutate
Animals live safely in their habitat
14.- Mary went to the dwelling of the flames.
13.-What are the types of fossilization?
? What is coral fossilization
it is not aque es Fosilizar
you know what is fossilize
I run the fossil shop
Fossil of the Cambrian explosion.
They have been extinct for thousands of years.
Of those volcanoes lit or extinct,
The path to evolution.
. Evolution over time.
As each of them evolves, it reinforces the other.
I envied Rachel the prospect of seeing Sam evolve.
today they talked about the environment,
they explained to me what the environment is
4 In diversity is good taste.
Diversity makes us better.
today you have to diversify forms
not diversify files
my stepsister leads the Development of my favorite game
the development of my game is canceled
today I'm going To develop my application
my dad makes develop applications
2.- you know it's Adaptation
I'm going to look for the meaning of adaptation
1.- animals have to adapt to environments
today I was taught what it is to adapt