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Vocabulary 4 unit 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Development- Development of a prototype of the GGAS tool in English.
2. This workshop was organized by the Division for Sustainable Development. (noun)
Diversity- Diversity but in all cases: joy, taste and beauty.
2. This message will be delivered to the Cultural Diversity team.(noun)
Habitat- hey did you know that all animals have Habitat
2. hey the habitat of polar bears is ice (noun)
Develop- Develop a national policy of communication from the Generalitat Valenciana.
Develop the skills of classification, recognition and assimilation of concepts. (Verb)
Environment- The results have been published in the journal Atmospheric Environment.
2. Continuous improvement of the integrated Quality, Environment and Safety system. (noun)
Fossilize- This process of decomposition leaves nothing behind to fossilize
2. It's extinct, after all, and brains and other soft parts do not fossilize! (verb)
Adapt- Feel like in a cloud thanks to the Slide Adapt System.
2. Adapt the technology to the specific problems of the client.(verb)
Survive each and earn more points along the way.
2. Survive massive waves of enemies and save the kitten (verb)
Variation- Variation: The green salsa can also be prepared with avocado.
2.Do you know what variation is? (noun)
Mutate- However, when cells grow and divide, they can mutate, or change.
2. The virus is starting to mutate. (verb)
Survival- hey you know minecraft is about Survival
2. This planet is the only chance we have of survival. (noun)
Evolution- hey did you know that people evolve
2. Human beings are necessary in the evolution of this planet. (noun)
Extinct- Hey the dinosaurs are extinct
2. Hey the dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago (Adjective
Diversify- The market for equipment and fuel is diversified and effective.
2.Since 2003, the social policy of Venezuela has been diversified. (noun)
Variety-hey you know there is a variety of pokemons
2. hey you know there is a wide variety of vegetables (noun)
evolve.hey you know that almost all pokemons can evolve
2. hey not all pokemons evolve (noun)
Fossilization- Hey, do you know what Fossilization is?
2. hey what is fossilization (noun)
Fossil- hey did you find a real fossil
2. hey find a fossil (noun)
qNatural- hey that's Natural did you know
2. hey that about your dog is not natural (Adjective)
Adaptation- hey my puppy has to go through the Adaptation
2. hey some animals go through adaptation (noun)