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Collective Nouns for People

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She joined a........... of actors.
She joined a company of actors.
I like that ............ of dancers.
I like that crew of dancers.
On Sunday, a ...............of people go to church.
On Sunday, a congregation of people go to church.
I joined a ............. of singers.
I joined a choir of singers.
A ...............of fans cheered them.
A crowd of fans cheered them.
The .............of journalists.
The posse of journalists.
Tonight we have a ...........of friends.
Tonight we have a party of friends.
The coach called his ........... of players
The coach called his team of players.
A .......... of teachers.
A staff of teachers.
The police caught a ......... of thieves.
The police caught a gang of thieves.
A ......... of reporters follow celebs.
A posse of reporters follow celebs.
He will face a........... of judges in court.
He'll face a jury of judges in court.
A .......... of students.
A class of students.
This is a .......... musicians.
That is a band of musicians.
A ............... of directors
A board of directors.