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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are the pictures? [Full sentence]
They are on the wall.
What are you doing? [Full sentence]
I am coming out the door.
What are they doing? [Full sentence]
They are building a snowman.
How does she feel? [Full sentence]
She feels lonely.
How is the room? [Full sentence]
The room is empty.
What do you have? [Full sentence]
I have courage.
What does queen bee do? [Full sentence]
The queen bee lays eggs.
Where do honeybees live? [Full sentence]
Honeybees live in a hive.
How many queen bees live in a hive? [Full sentence]
Only one queen bee lives in a hive.
When does queen bee lay eggs? [Full sentence]
The queen bee lays eggs during spring.
What do worker bees do? [Full sentence / three things]
They collect food, make honey and clean the hive.
How big are the worker bees? [Full sentence]
The worker bees are the smallest of the three.
How big is the queen bee? [Full sentence]
The queen bee is the biggest of the three.
What does drones do? [Full sentence]
The drone bees mate with the queen bee.
Drones are sometimes kicked out instead of working. When is it?
When there isn't enough food in winter, they are sometimes kicked out.
Why was Muhammad Yunus feeling terrible? [Full Sentence]
Because many people were dying of hunger in Bangladesh.
With money, what can poor people start? [Full Sentence]
With money, they can start a small business.
With money, what can poor people improve? [Full Sentence/ two things]
With money, they can improve their farms and health.
Why don't most banks lend money to poor people? [Full Sentence]
They think poor people can't pay money back.
With money, what can poor people do for their children? [Full Sentence]
With money, they can educate their children.
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Poor people can't borrow money easily.