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GCSE Literature revision

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Explain the quote from Remains - "His bloody life in my bloody hands"
What does the pronoun "my" suggest?
Explain the quote from An Inspector Calls: "I don’t suppose for a moment that we can understand why the girl committed suicide. Girls of that class-’"
What main theme is present here?
Explain the quote from Macbeth: "Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear, The armed rhinoceros, or th Hyrcan tiger;"
Can you use textual evidence to back up your ideas?
Explain the main themes or ideas from Charge of the Light Brigade
Can you use textual evidence to back up your ideas?
Explain how Gerald could be an interesting character in An Inspector Calls
Can you use textual evidence to back up your ideas?
Explain how Macbeth changes throughout the play
Can you use a quote to back up your ideas?
Poetry context - What can you tell me about the life of one of the poets?
How does it relate to their poem?
An Inspector Calls context - Explain socialism
How does this relate to the play?
Macbeth context - Explain the "chain of being"
How does this relate to Macbeth?
Complete the quote from Ozymandias - "My name is Ozymandias, ______ of ______. Look on my works, ye mighty and ______. Look
King / kings / despair
Complete the quote from An Inspector Calls - "But these girls aren't cheap _____ - they're ______"
labour / people
Complete the quote from Macbeth - "______ is ______ and ______ is _______" - The three Witches
Fair / foul / foul / fair Why do you think this is the same backwards and forwards?
Explain the quote from Exposure - "the merciless iced east wind that knives us"
What language technique is being used?
Explain the quote from An Inspector Calls - "I can't help thinking about this girl destroying herself so horribly - and I've been so happy tonight" - Sheila
How does Sheila contrast to other characters?
Explain the quote from Macbeth - "Out damned spot!" - Lady Macbeth
How does this compare to earlier in the play?
Complete the quote from War Photographer - "With _______ of _______ set out in ordered rows
Spools / suffering
Complete the quote and who said it?: Why shouldn't they try for higher ________? We try for the highest possible prices.
Wages - Eric
Complete the quote: "My hands are of your colour, but I ________ to wear a heart so ________" - Lady Macbeth
shame / white
What could a main theme or idea be of 'London' by William Blake?
Possible idea: Cruelty and injustice of the society / criticism of the church, government or monarchy.
How is social responsibility presented in An Inspector Calls
Have you used examples of different characters?
How is the supernatural presented in Macbeth?
Possible ideas: The witches, Banquo's ghost / Duncan's horses eating each other / "dark night strangles the travelling lamp"
Explain the quote - "I went into your bedroom // Released a songbird from its cage"
What could the "cage" represent?
Explain the quote - ""And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. Good night."
What could "fire and blood and anguish" be an allusion to?
Explain the quote - "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?"
Why do you think Shakespeare has used the Greek god "Neptune"?
Complete the quote from Remains: "I see every round as it ________ through his _______"
rips / life
Complete the quote: "Unsinkable, ________ unsinkable" - Mr Birling
Complete the quote: "Look like the innocent _______, but be the _________ under it"
flower / serpent
Explain how Priestley presents different generations in An Inspector Calls
Can you back that up with a quote?
Explain this quote from Bayonet Charge - "Suddenly, he awoke and was running - raw"
Did you focus on an individual word?
Describe how Lady Macbeth changes throughout the play.
Can you back that up with a quote?