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T/F Dysfunctional teams can be turned around if the PM uses effective problem solving and conflict resolution techniques, deals with problems and conflicts as they occur, and effectively communicates with the team.
Name three characteristics of effective teams: __________ __________ __________.
Good conflict resolution, creative problem solving, enhanced communication.
T/F. Teams in the performing stage of development will not experience conflict.
False. All teams, regardless of the stage of development will experience some conflict.
All of the following are stages in team development except for which one?
This meeting is for the project team specifically. The PM will discuss project goals, how to communicate with the PM, what to expect in future meetings, and so on.
Project team kickoff meeting
This activity helps a team function effectively: __________ __________.
Team building
Describe corrective actions.
Actions taken to ensure the product aligns with the requirements of the project.
Motivation comes in two forms: __________ and __________.
Intrinsic and extrinsic
Name three types of leadership power.
Reward, punishment, expert, legitimate, and referent.
T/F. The collaborative technique may drive one of the parties to a lack of commitment regarding the resolution.
False. Collaborative techniques generally lead to lasting resolutions and parties being committed to the decisions made.
This problem solving technique involves each party giving up something to reach a resolution: __________
This person acts in a third party role to negotiate settlements between parties involved in a dispute: __________.
All of the following are approaches to problem solving. Which one is the most often used by project manager’s?
Confrontation/problem solving