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Who's this pokemon?
Who's this pokemon?
Oliver decided to close his comic book store, so he is selling some of his 2,139 comic books. He now has 9,530 comic books left. How many comic books has Oliver sold?
The Tigers played the Bears in a football game. The Tigers scored 7 points. The Bears scored 3 times as many points as the Tigers. What equation can you use to find how many points the Bears scored?
3 x 7 = 21
The litter box is 3 meters long and 45 square meters. What is the perimeter of the litter box?
36 meters
We need powered torches for our science experiment. We’ve 21 batteries but each torch uses 4 batteries. How many powered torches will we have?
5 battery torches and 1 leftover
I have collected 7 times more stickers than Ann. I have 56 stickers. How many does Ann have?
8 stickers
576 ÷ 6 =
56 x 23 =
3,472 x 3 =