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BIOLOGY review
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a prey?
An animal that is hunted by other animals
What is a predator?
An animal that hunts other animals
What is the biggest cell in the world?
Ostrich egg
What is inside the nucleus?
How does a cactus survive in the desert?
various (water store, spikes, oily surface...)
What is one thing about you that isn't decided by your DNA?
various (I like reading, I have a pet bird, I play football..)
What is one thing about you that isn't decided by your DNA?
various (I like reading, I have a pet bird, I play football..)
What is one thing about you that is decided by your DNA?
various (eye colour, hair colour, height, etc)
What is one thing about you that is decided by your DNA?
various (eye colour, hair colour, height, etc)
How much DNA do we share with a chimpanzee?
How much DNA do we share with a banana?
What does the cell membrane do?
Protects the cell, decides what goes in and out
Why is a plant green?
Chloroplasts, which make energy in a plant, are green.
What is one thing a plant needs to make energy?
Water, nutrients, CO2, sunlight
What is one thing a plant needs to make energy?
Water, nutrients, CO2, sunlight
What is one thing a plant needs to make energy?
Water, nutrients, CO2, sunlight
What is one thing a plant needs to make energy?
Water, nutrients, CO2, sunlight
Why does a plant need energy
To grow
How does a plant make energy?
What are the building blocks of living things?