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Are you smarter than a 4th grader?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Delia builds 24 sand castles at the beach. If a wave knocks down 13 of them, how many sand castles are left?
Kristen and Na'eem visit the county fair. If they wait in line for 15 minutes to ride each attraction, how many attractions can they ride in 4 hours?
The Pittman family is taking a vacation in Southern California. They plan to spend 3 days in Los Angeles, 2 days in San Diego and 4 days in Santa Barbara. How many days will the spend on vacation?
9 days
Lydia invites 12 of her friends to a backyard BBQ. If she plans for each person to eat 3 hot dogs, how many hot dogs must she buy?
Marvin had $10. He bought a pair of socks for $2.30 and a pair of gloves for $5.50. How much money did he have left?
Coach Nathan is meeting with each player for practice individually. Each player will get 15 minutes with the coach. Coach Nathan has 2 hours for this on Saturday. How many players can she meet with?
Dr. Calloway has 120 patients. ¼ of them wear glasses. How many of her patients don’t wear glasses?
Issac was offered 2/5 of a jumbo chocolate bar or 3/6 of the same bar. He loves chocolate. Which should he choose if he wants the most chocolate?
Poppy has 6 notebooks for school. Maya has 1/3 more than Poppy. How many notebooks do Poppy and Maya have all together?
Lennox's family left for the airport at 10:00 a.m. for vacation. Their flight leaves at 12:30 p.m. They stopped twice for 10 minutes each time. They got to the airport at 11:30 p.m. How much time did they spend driving
1 hour 10 minutes