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Around the world

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HOW OFTEN do you travel?
HOW MUCH is a chocorramo in Colombia?
Is $2.000
How are called the people from Argentina?
They are Argentinian people.
How many countries are there in Latin America?
There are 33 countries!
Why is Colombia famous?
Because of the music, food and sports.
Who is the president of Colombia?
The president of Colombia is Gustavo Petro
Do Mexican people love spicy food?
Yes, they love spicy food
Do french people kiss each other with two kisses?
Yes, they do
Where can you find those pyramids?
In Egypt.
Where's Cristiano Ronaldo from?
He's from Portugal.
Where are they from?
They're from South Korea.
Which country are they from?
They're from Germany.
Where's Lionel Messi from?
He's from Argentina.