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Final Test for Design Elements and Color Fundame ...

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TRUE / FALSE The hues and tones used for a new logo can literally make or break the company that it is associated with.
TRUE/ FALSE Pale Colors are hues that have a large percentage of brown or gray
TRUE / FALSE , An easy way to tell the difference between warm and cool tones is to compare different shapes.
TRUE / FALSE , In some Eastern cultures, white is seen as a funereal color and is associated with death.
TRUE / FALSE 80 percent of our sensory perception is determined by sight.
TRUE / FALSE Scientists found that men were 10 percent to 20 percent more attracted to a woman wearing pastels than they were to her twin who was wearing red
TRUE / FALSE Removing color from a large text can make it stand out even more.
TRUE / FALSE Body text is most readable when it is on a white background
Colors with ______ values have less contrast as they get darker
In Japanese, there are several words for red and pink tones but there is none for _________
The least legible combinations are red on blue, orange on blue, yellow on orange, and green on __________
________ colors are created using pure pigment.
Terms for red, green, yellow, and blue are part of almost every language except __________
_________ is one of the greatest shortcuts to making better color choices.
_________is a condition in which the stimulation of one sense leads to simultaneous involuntary experiences by one or more additional senses.
Color _______ can cause a viewer to experience space and information differently.
What may be applied to color relationships by altering the value of a hue or by choosing a particular tone that has more or less intensity?
Color palettes dominated by what hues work well for projects that are aimed at a sophisticated audience or when the content should invoke calm and peaceful feelings?
What is an excellent color type choice when one needs color to recede into the background, to highlight a subtle message, or to communicate trust and conservativeness?
Too many of what kind of colors in a single composition can be irritating to the eye and can actually decrease a viewer’s ability to read or understand information?
What colors are based on pale shades?
Light colors
What is an excellent way to visually represent an idea, object, person, or place?
What are often called rules in graphic design?