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Iron Age
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The Chinese considered their king to have been chosen by the gods. True or False?
coinage(money) was invented to help farmers to buy and sell their produce, and their iron. True or False?
Servants are at the very top of the pyramid hierarch during the Vedic period. (True/False)
Name the 3 ages that we have learned.
Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age
Ying and Yang also means everything is a balance. (True or False)
Huang He river was also known as the.............................
Yellow river
In order to justify having to take over the god-chosen Shang king, the Zhou created the idea of .......................
Mandate of Heaven
There are 4 types of beliefs in the Zhou Dynasty. True or False?
Which dynasty did we learn during the Chinese civilization? Shang or Zhou?
Zhou Dynasty
Vedic people were divided into six social classes. True or False?
False (Only 4)
Reincarnation is the idea that the soul is born again and again into different bodies. True or False?
Where did the first civilization take place in India?
Name the 2 periods that we've learned from the Iron Age.
The Vedic Period and The Zhou Dynasty
Name a weapon that was made out of iron during the iron age.
Any of these (Axe/Sword)
Which period started to make tools and weapons out of iron?
Iron Age