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Jake's exercise game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kick a ball (like bicycle kicks) as many times as you can in 1 minute
15 times or more
10 times
5 times
2 times
Push a ball in superman as many times as you can in 1 minute
15 times or more
10 times
5 times
2 times
Complete your swimming practice exercise for 2 minutes
Did you do it?
Do star jumps as many times as you can in one minute.
Great work!
Squat down as low as you can and then come back up as many times as you can in one minute.
Great work!
Balance on your left foot for as long as you can.
15 seconds
10 seconds
5 seconds
2 seconds
Balance on your right foot for as long as you can.
15 seconds
10 seconds
5 seconds
2 seconds
Hold crab pose for as long as you can.
30 seconds
5 seconds
1 second
10 seconds
Hold egg hold pose for as long as you can (on your back, legs curled in and head off the ground).
20 seconds
5 seconds
1 second
10 seconds
Hold plank pose for as long as you can (keep your bottom down).
20 seconds
5 seconds
1 second
10 seconds
Complete bicycle kicks for as long as you can.
30 seconds
5 seconds
1 second
10 seconds
Hold superman pose for as long as you can.
15 seconds
5 seconds
1 second
10 seconds
Use your tongs to pick up something black.
Did you find something?
Use your tongs to pick up something big.
Did you find something?
Use your tongs to pick up something soft.
Did you find something?
Use your tongs to pick up something yellow.
Did you find something?
Use your tongs to pick up something orange.
Did you find something?
Use your tongs to pick up something blue.
Did you find something?
Use your tongs to pick up something red.
Did you find something?
Use your tongs to pick up something green.
Did you find something?
Hold your rubber band open with your fingers for as long as you can.
15 seconds or more
2 seconds
5 seconds
10 seconds
Roll your putty into a snake and pinch along it with your right hand.
Did you use your pinching fingers?
Roll your putty into a snake and pinch along it with your left hand.
Did you use your pinching fingers?
Use your right hand to find small items in putty
If you found them with your pinching fingers, select correct
Use your left hand to find small items in your putty.
If you found them with your pinching fingers, select correct.
You have 1 minute to put as many pegs on as many things around the house as you can (use your pinching fingers!)
1-5 pegs (select incorrect), 5+ pegs, select correct