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The Last Stop on Market Stop

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why was CJ happy by the end?
because he was able to help feed people at the soup kitchen.
Why was CJ sad at the beginning?
Because he didn't want to travel and get wet in the rain.
What is so special about CJ's grandmother's way of looking at things?
She always see beauty in the world around her. / She is optimistic.
How does CJ feel when he hears the music?
He starts to imagine birds and sunsets.
What does the bus driver do when CJ gets on the bus?
He pulls a coin out of behind his ear/ shows him a magic trick.
What did Nana mean when she said that "tree was drinking water through a straw"?
The tree is taking water in through its roots and going up its trunk."
Where were CJ and his grandmother going?
A soup kitchen