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Useful Expressions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A friend who you know very well
Close friend
Every girl in my school looks up to Beyonce. (define the phrase)
to have respect and admiration for somebody
We stopped working for the same company, so we have ______________. (slowly become less friendly)
Drift(ed) apart
To have characteristics of a parent or relative
take after
Fall out with someone
stop being friends, esp after an argument
Have a very high opinion of someone
To think the world of someone
What does the phrase STICK UP FOR mean?
to speak out in support of someone
My sister and I all have curly hair. It _________________.
Runs in the family
To share an interset or opinion
Have smth in common
To meet someone unexpectedly
Bump into
To be strict about something
To put your foot down ( He always puts his foot down if his son is naughty.)
Like someone quickly and easily. (Give an example)
Click with
We ___________ about most important issues. (have similar opinions to someone)
See eye to eye
I'm sorry Jack, we have to _____________. I don't love you any more.
break up
What is the synonym of GET ON (with)
GET ALONG (with)
To begin to love someone
Fall in love with
My sister _______________ a baby last weekend
Gave birth to