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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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true or false: ben franklin got struck by lightning when flying a kite in a thunderstorm
true or false: ben franklin flied a kite in a thunderstorm to study the basic principles of electricity
what is the meaning of Constitution?
the main law and rules of a country (indonesian: undang-undang dasar)
what is the meaning of Treaty?
a formal agreement between states/countries (indonesian: traktat)
what does a glass armonica do?
making music with spinning glass bowls and your fingers
why didn't he patent any of his inventions?
because he wanted them to be available to everyone
what was Ben Franklin's most notable work as an author?
Poor Richard's Almanack
other than the Declaration of Independence, what other 3 key documents in American history that Ben Franklin signed?
the Treaty of Alliance with France, Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, and the Constitution of the United States
how did the United States claim independence from England?
by Ben Franklin's friendship with the French Government
what was Ben Franklin's most important roles in politics?
being a diplomat in France
what is his best known work in electrical theory as a scientist?
discovering laws by which electricity operates
what is the definition of crafty?
make a sentence with it!
what is the definition of witty?
make a sentence with it!
what is the definition of postmaster?
make a sentence with it!
what is the definition of notable?
make a sentence with it!
what is the definition of an author?
make a sentence with it!
where was ben franklin born?
boston, massachusets