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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the boys wearing?
T-shirts, jeans, slippers, one of them suspenders and the other glasses
Describe one of the boys
Open Answer
Describe one of the boys
open answers
What is Anne like?
Red head, fair skin,Short, light brown eyes, skinny,
What's Anne wearing?
A t-shirt/blouse, a dress and slippers
There is a bunny backpack in the bedroom
False. It's a bear backpack
how many posters does Anne have in her room?
There's a pink couch in the living room.
False. It's blue
What's opposite the study room?
Anne's room
How many rooms are there in the house?
What time is it in Anne's room?
twelve hours nine minutes (12h09min)
There's a picture with 12 people in the living room
Her family usually watches TV and talks in the living room
The boy in glasses needs to go to the bathroom
False. The blond boy needs to go to the bathroom
Anne's mom left cupcakes in the kitchen
The study room is next to her bathroom
False. It's opposite her room. Next to her parents room
Anne has books only in her room.
False, she has books in her study room
Anne and her family planted the flower in the summer.
False. They planted in the spring