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Prepostion of place

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's in the dragon's mouth OH NO!
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's in the box.
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's on the dragon's head! GET OFF!!!
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's on the box.
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's under the dragon. GET OFF!!
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's under the box.
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's behind the dragon. LOOK OUT HE'S BEHIND YOU!
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's behind the box.
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's in front of the dragon. LOOK OUT HE'S BEHIND YOU!
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's in front of the box.
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's next to the dragon.
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's next to the box.
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's near the dragon.
Where is the Mr. Monkey?
He's near the box.
Where is the spider?
Where is the spider?
It's near the broom/brush QUICK SWEEP HIM AWAY!!!
Where is the spider?
It's in the doorway.
Where is the spider?
It's in front of the cupboard.
Where is the spider?
It's behind the bath/bathtub.
Where is the spider?
It's on the lamp/light.
Where is the spider?
It's under my cup! AHHH GO AWAY!!