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Rainy Day Trivia

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which state in the United States is the smallest in terms of area?
Rhode Island
Which desert covers most of North Africa?
The Sahara Desert
When is St. Patrick's Day celebrated?
March 17th
Which is the largest rainforest in the world?
The Amazon Rainforest
Which continent contains the most countries?
What is the capital of Japan?
Which city is also known as 'Sin City'?
Las Vegas
What substance makes up 71% of earth?
How many degrees are there in a circle?
What is the smallest prime number?
27 / 3 ( 1 + 2 ) =
What is the name of the princess in Super Mario Bros?
Princess Peach
What is the world's most popular and most played sport?
If you add up all of the dots on a dice what do you get?
Decibels is a unit used to measure what?
What chemical smells like rotten eggs?
Who was the first woman to fly around the world?
Amelia Earhart
A tiger's skin is striped like its fur, true or false?
A 4-yard roll of fabric costs $1.32. What is the cost per yard?
The difference between revenue and costs is called...
On the periodic table, what does K stand for?
What does the greek root "dem" mean?
People (demographics, democracy, etc.)
What does the greek root "phob" mean?
Fear (phobia, arachnophobia, etc.)
What do you call an animal that can live on land and in the water?
An amphibian
How many points is a dunk worth in basketball?
Two points
What are the three primary colors?
Red, yellow, blue
In which state is it illegal to swear in public?
What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
How many vowels are there in the alphabet?
Area 51 is located in which U.S. state?
What is the rarest M&M color?
What is the favorite food of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
This morning, Roger took a history test. There were 15 multiple-choice problems on the test and Roger answered 60% of them correctly. How many problems did Roger get right?
What color are airplane "black boxes"?
Bright orange!
What day is Star Wars Day?
May 4th
What is the name of the mall in season three of Stranger Things?
Starcourt Mall