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Basic 3 - Recap 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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List two things that we use but nobody pays for.
(air, the ocean)
List five verbs that describe what you can do thing money.
(spend, lend, borrow, save, earn)
List five animals that people are commonly afraid of.
(spiders, snakes, sharks, lions, cockroaches)
List three things that make people feel nervous.
(a test, a competition, a change)
List three things that make people feel surprised.
(a gift, a party, a visit)
List three things people usually want to do when they are tired.
(sleep, take a shower, relax)
What do we call this?
a cup
What do we call these things on the table?
bowls and a plate
What do we call these things on the bed?
a blanket and pillows
What do we call these things?
a spoon, a fork, a knife
List three verbs in the past that end in -e.
(broke, were, gave)
List three verbs in the past that start with "f".
(found, fought, flew)
List three verbs in the past that start with "d".
(drank, did, drove)
List three verbs in the past that end in -d.
(did, found, had)
List three verbs in the past that start with "w".
(was, went, won)
List five verbs in the past that end in -t.
(got, sent, went, cut, slept)
List three things people can do on a snowy day.
(build a snowman, ski, go snowboarding)
List five things people usually wear on warm days.
(tank tops, swimsuits, shorts, sandals, beach hats)
List five things people usually wear on cold days.
(jackets, sweaters, gloves, scarves, pants)
List four things people usually do on summer vacations.
(eat ice cream, go to the beach, go swimming, go sailing)
List four things people usually do on rainy days.
(sleep, watch Netflix, order takeout, read)