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A2 KEY Warm-up speaking

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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FAMILY: Where do the people in your family live? Tell me about what you do with your family.
SCHOOL SUBJECTS: What subjects do you study at school? When did you start learning English? Tell me about your favourite subject.
HOBBIES: What hobbies do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Where do you do your favourite activities? Tell me about your favourite hobby.
DAY AT SCHOOL: What time do you go to school each day?  Tell me about what you like about your school.
FAMILIES: How many people are there in your family? Who is the oldest person in your family? Tell me about your family.
FAMILIES: Tell me something about how you and your family spend time together on special occasions.
DAY AT SCHOOL: How many lessons do you have each day? What time do you start and finish school? Tell me about your typical/normal day at school.
DAY AT SCHOOL: Tell me about what you like about your school.
HOBBIES: How often do you do your favourite hobby? Tell me about a hobby that you enjoy doing with your family.
HOBBIES: Tell me about a hobby you enjoy doing with friends.
SCHOOL SUBJECTS: Which foreign languages are your learning at school? How often do you have maths lessons? Tell me something about your least favourite subject.
FOOD: Who cooks food in your family? What kind of food do you eat everyday? Where does your family buy food from? What are the cafes like in your town? What do you think of the cafes in your town?
FOOD: Tell me something about a meal that you enjoy eating.
TRANSPORT: What do you like doing on a train? How do you get to school? Is there traffic delays in your city? Tell me about how you travelled to school yesterday.
Tell me about your best friend.
Tell me 3 things you LIKE DOING everyday. Why do like them?
Tell me about the BEST PRESENT someone gave you.