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Diggory Bones KB6 The great outdoors

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Was Diggory expecting to see Iyam there?
What does the long Street join?
It joins the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon.
Why does the man know about this place?
He often takes tourists there.
How far is Mexico City from the hotel?
It’s 40 kilometres from the hotel.
Where’s the Temple of Quetzalcoat?
It’s near the pyramid in Teotihuacan
Who was getting out of the car behind them?
Richard Tricker
What’s at the north end of the long street?
The Pyramid of the Sun.
Are Emily and Diggory tourists?
No, they. aren’t
What did Greedy say?
Greedy said, “I’m a snake and I’ve got feathers, but I can’t fly”.
Who do they meet when they get there?
Iyam Greedy
Where do they go with Richard?
The Pyramids
Where did they see Richard Tricker before?
He was sitting next to them on the plane.