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A1 Final communication review
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You going to find a new job? - No, I don't
Are you going to.. - No, I'm not
When did you be on vacation last time?
When did you go on vacation? /When were you on vacation? Did you travel or stayed at home?
In my apartment are 2 bedrooms and a kitchen
There are 2 bedrooms and a kitchen in my apartment/ there is a kitchen and 2 bedrooms in my apartment. DESCRIBE your flat/house
I go to work by foot. It's a 15-minute walk
You commute every day? Do you go in car or on a bus?
DO you commute... Do you go by car or by bus?
I haven’t time to hang off with friends a lot.
I DON"T HAVE time... to hag OUT...
We should to be polite with older people, you agree?
SHOULD BE; DO you agree?
Do you can to sing well?
Can you sing well?
Speaking English is more easier than writing
is easier
How you like spending your free time?
How DO you like spending your free time?
How many years ago you went to the mountains?
how many years ago DID you GO...?
How you feel after the New Year celebration? - Oh, I exhausted. I slept for two days after that.
How DO / DID you feel; I Am/WAS exhausted
I promise I won’t late for tomorrow’s class.
I won't BE late