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YCT 2 动词

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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kěyǐ 可以
Possible, can
yào 要
huì 会
Can, want to
juéde 觉得
Feel (opinion)
rènshi 认识
get to know
xǐhuan 喜欢
ài 爱
To love
dǎ diànhuà 打 电话
To make a call
qǐchuáng 起床
To get up
shuìjiào 睡觉
To sleep
xuéxí 学习
To study, to learn
wán 玩
To play
shuōhuà 说话
To speak, to talk
huà 画
To draw, to paint, to scribble
mǎi 买
To buy
zuò 坐
To sit
zuò 做
To do
lái 来
To come
jiào 叫
To call, to be called
qù 去
To go
hē 喝
To drink
chī 吃
To eat
kàn 看
To look
yǒu 有
Have, has
shì 是
To be, am, is, are
méi guānxi 没 关系
Doesn't matter
duìbuqǐ 对不起
bú kèqi 不 客气
You are welcome
qǐng 请
zàijiàn 再见
xièxie 谢谢
To thank