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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We............each other for a long time. (know) We went to kindergarten together!
have known
A: How long............you............married? (be) B: For twenty years.
My son got injured while he...........basketball last Saturday. (play)
was playing
Luckily, we...........skiing when the storm started. (stop)
had stopped
When we arrived, the match............(start)
had started
We...........her at first, she looks so different now! (not recognize)
didn't recognize
The accident...........very quickly, I was in shock. (happen)
I...........all my salary. I bought a new laptop last week. (spend)
...........you...........the electricity bill yet? (pay)
I...........a gold necklace! (just / find)
have just found
A: What would you like for starters? B: I...........fries, please. (have)
will have / 'll have
My parents...........a party next Sunday. (have)
are having / are going to have
I didn't have any money so John...........me some. (lend)
I...........dinner with my family tonight. (not have)
'm not having
The diet in my country...........worse. (get)
is getting
...........your boyfriend...........how to cook fish? (know)
Don't eat that spinach if you...........it. (not like)
don't like
...........you...........any vitamins at the moment? (take)