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I wish I could / would
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your girlfriend / boyfriend is angry with you all the time. What will you say to her / him?
I wish you wouldn't angry with me all the time.
He makes her angry by pulling her hair. She said, "stop."
She wishes he would stop pulling her hair.
Smoking is bad for health, but I can't stop smoking.
I wish I could quit smoking.
My computer is pretty old. I want to buy a new computer, but I don't have money.
I wish I could buy a new computer.
You never help me with the housework.
I wish you would help me with the housework.
Mom said, " your room is always a mess." What will the mom say?
I wish you would clean your room!
My sister is a great singer.
I wish I could sing like my sister.
He drives too fast.
I wish he would not drive so fast.
I think that the teacher give too much homework.
I wish the teacher would give less homework.
He's too noisy. You said, " shut up."
I wish he would shut up.
You spend too much money. Mom said, " stop spending too much money."
I wish you would stop spending too much money.
Your mom is angry that you are always checking your cell phone. Mom sid," put away".
I wish you would put away your cell phone.
I want to go home, but I have to stay in the hospital a little longer.
I wish I could go home.
I can't dance, but I want to learn.
I wish I could dance.
I want to be able to fly like a bird.
I wish I could fly like a bird.
I want to come to your birthday party next Saturday, but I can't.
I wish I could come to your birthday party next Saturday.
I can't speak English well, I need to practice more.
I wish I could speak English better.