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Guess that dessert

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is a straight rectangle. And it can be white be or brown. And it has lots of squares. And it has lots of different kinds. What is it?
A chocolate cake!
This dessert is usually eaten at a birthday. People put candles in it. It can be many different flavours. Usually there is icing on it. People cut it into slices. What is it?
A cake!
It has a wrapper. And circle sprinkles. And it can be chocolate, red and white or vanilla. There is brown, white or red and white icing. What is it?
A cupcake!
This dessert can have many different things inside. Most commonly chocolate chips or blueberries. Usually, it comes in a wrapper that you take off. Some people only like the tops of them. There can be sugar on the tops. What is it? W
A muffin!
It is round. And it also has a hole in the middle. It also has sprinkles. And chocolate, vanilla, strawberry flavours. And I eat it. It's so yummy! What is it?
A donut
This dessert has a crust. Usually there is fruit inside. Most people eat it warm. It tastes good with ice cream on top. It is round. What is it?
This dessert has a cone. And it can be any flavour. And it has a swirl. It is cold. It melts. What is it?
Ice cream!
This dessert is in the shape of a circle. It can be hard or soft. Sometimes there are sprinkles or chocolate chips in it. Other times there is icing in the middle. What am I?
A cookie!