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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What else did Jess see in the museum except transport?
Cameras, computers and phones
Was Baby built in 1948 or 1498?
The first cameras only took photos in ...
black and white
How are modern computers better than old ones?
They're more powerful, much smaller and much faster
What's the first computer's name?
What can you do with modern phones?
Take photos, listen to music, search the internet and text your friends
How are modern cars better than old ones?
They're faster and safer
Do modern trains run on steam or electricity?
Did old trains run on steam or electricity?
How old was the first train Jess saw?
100 years old
Name all modern planes' parts
Wings, wheels and engines
How many people could old planes carry?
One or two
Which are more powerful: propellers or jet engines?
Jet engines
What do modern planes have instead of propellers?
Jet engines
Propellers are a part of a ...
What old transport did Jess see?
Planes, trains and cars
What did Jess see first?
Did Jess look at old or modern technology?
Where does Jess go?
Science museum
What's the girl's name?