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The Day The Crayons Came Home

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who's this? What happened to him?
It's Gold crayon. He's stuck in a sharpener.
Who's this?
Glow in the Dark crayon
What's this word?
Who is this?
Mr. Greenbeard
What places does Neon Red crayon travel to?
She travels to China, Canada, France, and Newcastle.
What is Tan crayon thinking about?
He's thinking about...
What's this word?
What happened to Tan crayon?
He was eaten and puked up.
Who's this?
It's Tan crayon.
What did Yellow and Orange crayon argue (fight) about?
They argued about which color was the sun.
Who's this?
It's Yellow and Orange crayon.
What did Duncan draw with Neon Red crayon?
He drew a picture of Dad's sunburn.
What's a word that means very beautiful and impressive?
How long does Neon Red wait for Duncan?
She waits for 8 months!
Where is Neon Red crayon? Why?
She's at the hotel pool. Duncan left her behind there.
Why is pea green sad?
He's sad because no one likes peas.
Who is this?
Pea green!
Explain what Maroon Crayon is thinking about.
He's thinking about...
What's happening in this picture?
Dad is sitting on Maroon crayon!
Who is this?
Maroon Crayon