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Detectives day 1 and 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Преступники используют коды, поэтому детективы не могут их поймать.
Criminals use codes, so detectives can't catch them.
Somebody painted this man's car green and black. That's ____________.
Мой любимый код- Азбука Морзе.
My favourite code is Morse code.
If you use ______________ , you don't see the word.
invisible ink
A ________ takes all the money from the bank.
Ты должен поймать этого преступника!
You have to catch this criminal.
Детектив арестовал вора вчера.
A detective arrested the thief yesterday.
The ______________ takes people and wants money.
У агента есть 4 преступника. .
The agent has 4criminals.
We can catch that ......! He steals bags!
Я вижу магазинного вора.
I see a shoplifter.
A person who damage things.
Criminals use Morse ...........
Детектив должен быть умным.
A detective has to be smart.