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ELLs: How to Support Academic Learning in the Cl ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is key among classroom teachers and EAL specialists in order for successful language learning for ELLs to take place?
Which scale should you use to help with assessment?
What are the two types of objectives to create?
Language and Content Objectives
What does BICS and CALP stand for?
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills and Cognitive Academic Language Profifciency
What are 2 differentiation strategies that were discussed?
Activate prior knowledge, Adapt and differentiate texts, Develop study guides, Give clear and explicit instructions, Multiple modes of input, Wait time...
What are 2 exanples of scaffolding that were discussed?
Visuals, Manipulatives, Gestures, Graphic Organizers, L1, Sentence Starters, Read Aloud...
What are 2 ways to create a safe and welcoming environment?
Display multilingual posters, signs, books and greetings in ELLs L1, assign a buddy, practice names and pronunciation...
What are the 4 strands within the CFR?
Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
What is the process of collecting information, interviewing and assessing in the four areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing upon an ELLs arrival called?
The Initial Assessment
Name 2 ways or 2 things that ELLs can share about their culture to the class?
Share photographs, artifacts, tell a story, share information about holidays...
Where can you find the most current information on ELLs cultures?
Online Resources
What do ELLs rely on that must be embraced, accepted and welcomed when acquiring English?
What is the first stage of language acquistion called where a newcomer may not speak?
The Silent Period
What are the 4 stages of culture shock?
Honeymoon, Hostility, Humor, Home
Who are the ELLs entering classrooms? Example - Local students who speak any language other than English. Name 1 other possibility.
Local students who speak any language other than English, International Students, First Nations & Metis Students, Hutterite Students, Refugees and Immigrants
What does ELL stand for?
English Language Learner