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Phrasal Verbs — Getting Across

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I tried to assure my friend that there were no hard feelings and that we were sure to _____ our differences. ( _____ out)
...and that we were sure to WORK OUT our differences.
The teacher realized that the students had no idea how to _____ words online when they didn't know the meaning. ( _____ up).
The teacher realized that the students had no idea how to LOOK UP words online....
When in China, he tried to _____ with the little Chinese that he'd picked up on some YouTube language channels. ( _____ across)
When in China, he tried to GET ACROSS with the little Chinese that he'd picked up.....
It's sometimes hard to _____ with all the new fashion trends that influencers are constantly promoting online. ( _____ up)
It's sometimes hard to KEEP UP with all the new fashion trends.....
I managed to _____ some new words and expressions when traveling abroad. ( _____ up)
I managed to PICK UP some new words and expressions when traveling abroad.
When traveling around Europe, they found it hard to ______ on their tight budget. ( _____ by)
...they found it hard to GET BY on their tight budget.
I immediately _____ there was something wrong when the police stopped our car at the border crossing. (_____ on)
I immediately CAUGHT ON there was something wrong when.....
The envoy endeavored to express his government’s stand on that matter but somehow or other it seemed almost impossible to _______ his message _____ due to the language barrier. ( _____ across)
....it seemed almost impossible to GET his message ACROSS due to the language barrier.
Please ______ whether she’s coming or not because otherwise we’ll have to do it on our own. ( _____ out)
Please FIND OUT whether she's coming or not....
The therapist recommended that she _____ all her problems before making a hasty decision. ( _____ out)
...that she WORK OUT all her problems before making a hasty decision.
He surprised everyone with all the baking tricks he’d _____ while working at the fancy ethnic pastry shop. ( _____ up)
...with all the baking tricks he'd PICKED UP while working at the fancy ethnic pastry shop.
I think I’d better change my approach towards this subject because the students are having a hard time _____. (_____ on)
...because the students are having a hard time CATCHING ON.
With the little money they've got left, they’re forced to _____ with only a meager lunch at midday and no dinner. (_____ by)
...they're forced to GET BY with only a meager lunch....
A raise may be on its way if she _____ with the good work. ( _____ up)
...if she KEEPS UP with the good work.
I suggest you simply _______ and mind your own business. ( _____ up)
I suggest you simply SHUT UP and mind your own business.
Well, if you can't remember his address why don’t you just _____ it _____ online? ( _____ up)
...why don't you just LOOK it UP online?