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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Quais os tempos verbais do seguintes verbos: took, see, didn't sing
Passado simples, presente, passado simples.
Para fazer pergunta com o verbo to be no passado o que devo fazer?
Utilizar WAS ou WERE na frente do sujeito.
Para fazer pergunta no passado qual auxiliar que devo utilizar?
Qual a forma correta? "Do you had a good class?" "Did you had a good class?" ou "Did you have a good class?"
Did you have a good class?
Was she at work this morning? (Responda na negativa)
No, she wasn't at work this morning.
Bianca went to shcool by car. What's the negative form?
Bianca didn't go to school by car.
She didn't wake up early this morning. Passe a frase para o interrogativo.
Did/ Didn't she wake up early this morning?
"She understood the text, but she didn't understand the question". Qual a categoria do verbo? Qual evidência disso?
Verbo irregular, pois muda sua forma no passado.
Arrived, looked, liked e studyed se categorizam como que tipo de verbo? Qual evidência disso?
São verbos regulares. Evidência: presença do sufixo D ou ED
Which city is Ulysses from?
Dublin, Irland
What's the superlative degree of: old, young and strong?
The oldest, youngest and strongest
The adjective WORST is the superlative degree of?
Hoje foi o dia mais quente do ano
Today was the hottest day from the year
Luisa é a menina mais feliz da sala
Luisa is the happiest girl from the class
Shakespeare é o melhor escritor de todos os tempos.
Shakespeare is the best writer of all time.
Ulysses é o livro mais importante da literatura.
Ulysses is the most important book from literature.
you / at home / last night (verb to be/ interrogative)
Were you at home last night?
To which book is Bloomsday related to?
It is related to Ulysses
What's your favourite type of book?
Personal question
Why is literature important?
Literature is importante because it makes you smart, inspired and happy.
What's Bloomsday?
It's a day to celebrate the literature character Leopold Bloom.