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Prepare 2 End of Online Course Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give me three ways to complete this sentence: I am going to go to the beach when....
I don't have to study, it is sunny, I have time
Tell me three things about a monkey.
It lives in a forest or jungle, it has got two hands, it is a wild animal.
Tell me three animals which live in the sea
Tell me three animals that are domestic or wild.
Mouse/ Rat/ Rabbit...
Tell me three wild animals.
Tell me three domestic animals.
Tell me three types of TV programmes you don't like watching.
I don't like... the news...
Tell me three different types of magazine.
Sports/Entertainment/ Video Games...
There are lots of mountains in the countryside. Tell me three more things you can find in the countryside.
Valleys/ Volcanoes/ Fields/ Cliffs...
Tell me three different types of water you can find in nature.
Tell me three ways to complete this sentence: I failed my exams so my parents..
Tell me three ways to complete this sentence: I went to bed late last night because...
I wasn't tired/ I was playing computer games/ I was talking to my mum.
Tell me three things your family was doing when you went to bed last night.
My family was... watching TV...
Tell me three things you were doing last month.
I was...
Tell me three ways of describing the weather in Malaga in December.
It is cold, it is rainy, it is windy.
Tell me three ways of describing the weather in Malaga in the summer.
It is hot, it is sunny, it isn't cloudy.
I am not working tomorrow. Give me three suggestions of things I can do.
Why don't you../Let's.../Shall we.../ Why not...?
Tell me three things a police officer doesn't have to do.
A police officer doesn't have to...
Tell me three things a teacher has to do.
A teacher has to teach...
Tell me three things your friends don't have to do at the weekend.
They don't have to...
Tell me three things your dad has to do today.
He has to...
Tell me three things your friends aren't going to do in July.
They aren't going to go to school, they aren't going to...
Tell me three things you can turn on and turn off.
A mobile phone/ a computer/ the television
Tell me three things you can pick up from the floor.
A pen/ a pencil/ a shoe
Give me three ways to complete this sentence: While I was studying, you...
called me/ came home/ shouted
Give me three ways to complete this sentence: I woke up when you...
were working/ called me/ were making breakfast
Give me three sentences to describe a mouse.
It has got a long tail, it is small, it is a domestic and wild animal.
Give me three sentences to describe a bear.
it is a wild animal, it is big, it has got four legs.
Tell me three things you can do on school trips.
Go to a museum/ visit a farm/ go on a nature walk...
Tell me three things your mum doesn't have to do at the weekend.
She doesn't have to go to work/ clean the house/ wash the dishes.
Tell me three things you don't have to do in the summer holidays.
I don't have to go to school / do homework/ study...
Tell me three things you have to do in English class.
I have to speak in English/ listen to the teacher...
Tell me three things you have to do to help at home.
I have to wash the dishes/ clean my room/ cook dinner/ walk the dog...22
tell me three kinds of TV programme that you like watching.
Cartoons/ reality show/ the news / documentaries....
Tell me three people or things you can look after.
A pet/ sister/ brother...
Tell me three forms of transport you can get on.
A bus/ a plane/ a boat/ a train
Tell me three things you and your family are going to do in the summer.
We are going to...
Tell me three things you are going to do in July.
I am going to...
Tell me three things your mum was doing last night.
She was...
Tell me three things you were doing last Saturday.
I was...