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Basic 3 - Recap 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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List five things or people that are typical of a movie set.
(camera operators, lights, costumes, directors, actors)
List three Spider-man villains.
(Doctor Octopus, Venom, Green Goblin)
List five Avengers.
(Spider-man, Hulk, Black Panther, Wanda, Black Widow)
List five "Anne with an E" characters.
(Gilbert Blythe, Anne Shirley, Diana Barry, Cole Mackenzie, Marilla Cuthbert)
List five Stranger Things characters.
(Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Eleven, Max Mayfield, Will Byers)
List five Cobra Kai characters.
(Hawk, Tory Nichols, Robby Keene, Samantha LaRusso, Daniel LaRusso)
List five animes.
(Death Note, Pokemon, Demon Slayer, Dragon Ball, Naruto)
List three cartoons that come from comic books.
(Batman, Justice League, X-men)
List four types of TV shows that adults generally like.
(documentaries, cooking shows, soap operas, the news)
List four types of TV shows that teenagers generally like.
(series, movies, cartoons, reality shows)
List three things that most students hate doing.
(taking tests, doing homework, staying past the end of the class)
List five portable electronic objects.
(cell phones, laptops, tablets, charger, game)
List three things that people carry in their pockets.
(cell phones, keys, money)
List five things that people do every day.
(wake up, eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, drink something)
List three hobbies that start with "play".
(play sports, play games, play an instrument)
List four hobbies that start with "go".
(go shopping, go sailing, go swimming, go to the movies)
List four things that you can read.
(a book, a blog, music, a caption)
List three hobbies that start with "make".
(make videos, make cookies, make a cake)
List three hobbies that are not very physical.
(reading, listening to music, writing)
List three hobbies related to music.
(singing, dancing, playing an instrument)
List three sports that are not common in Brazil.
(American football, rugby, cricket)
List four hobbies that need a ball.
(soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis)
List four hobbies related to water.
(swimming, sailing, windsurfing, stand-up paddling)
List four outdoor hobbies.
(swimming, riding a bike, playing sports, sailing)