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EFM - Class 9

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Alternatively, you might say to a person who is irritating you "cut ....!". That is, to stop.
cut it out!
get ... = You might say this when a person has upset you want him or her to go away and leave you alone.
get lost!
eat your ... out = This expression is usually an exclamation that tells people they should be envious.
eat your heart out.
close to your .... = something or somebody is important to you and that you are very interested in it/that person.
close to your heart.
Can you tell us idioms to express understanding?
shed light / get it / get the message or picture / figure something or someone out
hold your .... = take it slow, and reconsider before acting
hold your horses.
get cold .... = a person has become nervous or afraid of doing something that was already planned.
get cold feet.
get on your .... = someone or something really irritates you.
get on your nerves.
cry your ... out = mourn inconsolably and cry till you drop, or until you no longer have any tears left.
cry your heart out.
feel it in your .... = to have a strong feeling about something.
feel it in your bones.
under the .... = you are feeling ill (mentally or physically).
under the weather
have ... in one's stomach = You can use this phrase when you are excited or even in love. It may also represent a sense of fear or anguish.
have butterflies in one's stomach.
have a change of ..... = you’ve changed your mind about something.
have a change of heart.
cost ... = something is pretty expensive
cost an arm and a leg.
Can you tell us idioms about having fun?
have the time of your life / take it easy / have a ball / have a blast / chill out
When ... fly
If someone says ‘’I’ll do it when pigs fly’’, it really means that they will never do it.
Rain heavily.
Raining cats and dogs.