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Common Mistakes Spanish Speakers Often Make in E ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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70% of the people voted this candidate in the elections.
70% of the people voted for this candidate in the elections.
This book remembers me of my grandfather.
This book reminds me of my grandfather.
Please, could you give me an advice on how to obtain this certificate?
Please, could you give me some advice / a piece of advice on how to obtain this certificate?
I have a new: Marianne is dating Connell!
I have some news / a piece of news: Pilar is dating Adrián!
Last year, we had 200 products on the market. Actually, we have 300.
Last year, we had 200 products on the market. Currently, we have 300.
She is doing some investigation on animal behaviour.
She is doing some research on animal behaviour.
The solution depends of the department.
The solution depends on the department.
I am totally agree with you!
I totally agree with you!
I need to explain you something.
I need to explain to you something.
I said my colleague that it was a bad idea.
I said to my colleague that it was a bad idea.
I told to my colleague that it was a bad idea.
I told my colleague that it was a bad idea.
I don't know. I'll ask to my colleague.
I don't know. I'll ask my colleague.
I saw this in LinkedIn.
I saw this on LinkedIn.
There are five differents books on my desk.
There are five different books on my desk.
I listened it on the news.
I heard it on the news. (And remember: it's listen TO something, not listen something.)
I think no.
I don't think so.
I think yes.
I think so.
People is happy.
People are happy.