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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Only when the ground is kept moist, _______ germinate. a- does grass seeds b- grass seeds wil c- will grass seeds
does grass seed
Excuse- me , is anybody sitting here? a- No, thanks b- Yes, I am so glad c- Sorry, the seat is taken
Sorry, the seat is taken
The show didn't _________ our expectations. a- come up to b- come up with c- come round
come up to
You should be responsibe ________ your attitudes, a- from b- with c- for
I'm not opposed to _________with us as long as it's only for a few days. a- their staying b- their stay c- them to stay
their staying
Henry _____________ a rich man today if he were more careful in the past. a- will be b- would be c- would have been
would be
__________ do women do all the housework with their hands a- No sooner b- No longer c- No more
No longer
Please forgive me. I don't ___________ to upset you. a- mean b- mind c- suppose
________ we have finished the course we should start doing more revision work a- Ever since b- Now c- Now that
Now that
__________ we heard at the conference was encouraging.. a- What b- That c- When
I'd _________you didn't leave just at the moment. a- better b-like c- rather
Forget it. It is no use crying over spilt ____________ a- juice b- milk c- water
___________ she could not say anything. a- Upset was she b- So upset was she that c- However upset was she
So upset was she that
I ________ my best suit at the party last night- everyone else was very casually dressed. a- I needn't have worn b- mustn't wear c- needn't wear
I needn't have worn
By far, ___________of Saudi Arabia is oil. a- it is the most important export b- the most important export is c- the most important export
the most important export
who did you invite for dinner last night? No one _________ than Peter and his girlfriend. a- the other b- other c- another