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Independent or Dependent?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You have a full deck of cards. You choose a card, look at it and then choose another without putting the first card back. The first card was a 9 and the second card was an 8.
You have a full deck of cards. You choose a card, look at it and then put it back and choose another. The first card was a 9 and the second was an 8.
Randomly choosing a pink coloured pencil from a box of pencils, putting it to the side, then choosing a purple pencil.
There are 2 math books and 3 social studies books on a shelf. Randomly choosing a math book off of the shelf, giving it to your friend, and then randomly choosing another math book.
Choosing a King from a deck of cards, keeping it, and then choosing a Queen.
Spinning a spinner twice and getting an even number both times.
Spinning a spinner, landing on a 6, and rolling a 2 on a die.
Randomly taking a piece of dark chocolate from a bucket of Halloween candy, eating it, then randomly taking a piece of milk chocolate.
Flipping a coin, getting tails, and rolling 6 on a die.
You choose a green marble from a bag, put it back in the bag, and then choose a red marble.