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Magical Animals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is a horse man from Harry Potter One and Five.
It is a centaur.
This is a fire bird from Harry Potter 2.
His name is Fawkes. He is a phoenix.
This is a shy plant creature.
It is a bowtruckle.
This dog is from Harry Potter One.
This is a 3-headed headed dog. His name is Fluffy. That's weird!
This creature is from Harry Potter 4. It is a big lizard with wings.
It is a dragon.
It is a wolf and person creature from Harry Potter.
It is a werewolf.
This character is from Harry Potter Two and is a big snake.
It is a Harry Potter basilisk. It is different.
This is from a Polish legend. It looks like a chicken snake.
It is a normal basilisk.
This character is from Harry Potter 3 and can fly. It's a bird horse.
It is a hippogriff.
This is from Fantastic Beasts and really likes shiny things.