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QUIZ 4 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the past tense questions and sentences: 3. (go) Who _______ you _____________ to lunch with yesterday?
Who __did_____ you ___go__________ to lunch with yesterday?
Complete the past tense questions and sentences: When ______ your daughter ___________ up this morning?
When did your daughter get up this morning?
Complete the past tense questions and sentences: (sleep) ___________ they ___________ well last night?
Did they sleep well last night?
Reorder the words and write the correct questions :did | last | night | you | about | the | earthquake | know
Did you know about the earthquake last night?
Reorder the words and write the correct questions : break | the | how | children | the | window | did
How did the children break the window?
Reorder the words and write the correct questions : did | what | yesterday | you | do
What did you do yesterday?
Correct the error of the sentence to the simple past : How did the students rented the apartment if they don't have any money?
How did the students rent the apartment if they don't have any money?
Correct the error of the sentence to the simple past : What did your brother putted in his backpack
What did your brother put in his backpack?
Correct the error of the sentence to the simple past :. Did the children ate breakfast this morning?
Did the children eat breakfast this morning?
Correct the error of the sentence to the simple past : Do I forget my cell phone at your house last night?
Did I forget my cell phone at your house last night?
I need new shoes, so I went to ____________________
department store
I go to ________everyday. I usually go swimming there.
health club
I went to the _________ to buy some eggs.
grocery store
You can buy magazine at _____________________
Copy Shop
Cash ________
Cash Machine
Health ________
Health Club
Department _________
Department store
Taxi ____________
Taxi station