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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Trees of the field cont.
But in all his field.
So the punishment overtook them.
I have to wear it as punishment.
Here was another predator, at work.
Here was another predator, at work.
I tried to ignore them.
She chose to ignore him.
To withstand the ravages of time-.
Then he dared to withstand Paul.
My hair stood on end.
Her hair was a mess.
And so we have two objects separated by one centimeter, center.
To this day (2000 years later) it is less than a centimeter off.
We are the best to measure.
There is no measure of time.
Her temperature had dropped to 102.
Her temperature had dropped to 102.
its necessary that you call them tomorrow
it is necessary to study
I need to be ready.
You need to be ware.
He now had two to solve.
Let's try to solve this.
This would be about nightfall.
At nightfall, the eating stopped.
He was heartbroken and so was she.
She was heartbroken, sad, and angry.
I thought I should come back and tell you first.
She may come back, but the paychecks, you know.
A husband I used to have.
What the husband can do.
He was building it himself.
He lives in that building.
The one creature who could.
By the tiny good creature.
If they have run a.
I have to run now.
He shoved the flashlight towards me.
He was holding a flashlight in.