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7th Grade Class Notes Review
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What literary device is this?
What literary device is this?
"Silly Sam sold the snickerdoodles!" Is an example of what literary device?
What can the color yellow be a symbol of?
It can symbolize joy, happiness, life, etc.
What literary device is this: When he laughed, his face turned red like a cherry.
Simile/ Imagery
What literary device is this: The dead trees reached up to the sky, gasping for a drop of rain.
What literary device is this: When I walked into the house, I smelled first banana bread and second lavender.
What literary device is this: The shells from the shore shone bright above the shadow.
Name 3 major events from the Because of Winn Dixie.
answer varies
Name two details for the Heman W. Block Library.
answer varies
Name one thing Opal likes about Winn Dixie
answer varies
Name three things Opal learns about her mom.
answer varies
Name one way the book and the movie are the different? (do not be obvious)
answer varies
Name one way the book and the movie are the same? (do not be obvious)
answer varies
Where did Opal move to?
Naomi, Florida
Which character had a pinched up face?
Which character worked at a pet store?
Which character liked to smile and was good at making friends?
Winn Dixie
Which character was compared to a turtle?
The preacher
Which character thought Winn Dixie was a bear?
Miss Franny
Which character found a dog in the produce department?
Which character likes to sit on Winn Dixie's head?
Which character sucks her finger?
Sweetie Pie
Which character wants a dog for their birthday?
Sweetie Pie
Where does Opal live?
She lives in an adult trailer park called Friendly Corner Trailer Park.
Which theme is a story that creates conflict between one character and his or her enemies as they try to take revenge for the wrong that has been done to them?
Which theme is a story the follows one or more characters during their journey of growing up into an adult?
Coming of age
Which theme is a story about characters that face difficult circumstances or impossible situations?
Courage and perserverance
Which theme is a story about changing a character who sacrifices his or her freedom or life?
Which theme can be a force of good that inspires people or a toxic force that drives people to madness and violence?
Which theme is a story about good winning over evil?
Good vs Evil
How old was Opal when her mother left?
She was three years old.
In what way did Opal think that she and Winn Dixie were alike?
They were both orphans
What is a symbol?
It is an ordinary object, event, person, or animal that we have attached a meaning to.
What is an understatement?
It is a statement that expresses something being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is.
What is an idiom?
It is an expression that mean something different than what the words really mean.
What is a imagery?
It is when an author uses details that appeal to our 5 senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch)
What is a personification?
It is when we give human characteristics to an animal or object that is not alive.
What is a alliteration?
It is the repeated sound at the beginning of words.
What is a onomatopoeia?
It is a word whose sound is like the meaning.
What is a hyperbole?
It is a big exaggeration or expression used to make a point.
What is a simile?
It is a comparison that uses the words like or as.
What is a metaphor?
It is a comparison that does not use the words like or as.
How did Opal convince her dad that she needed a dog?
She said the dog needed her more than she needed it.
Why does Opal’s father call her by her second or middle name?
That was his mom's name and he loved her a lot.
Why did Opal say her dad reminded her of a turtle?
Because he was always thinking so hard and never paying attention to the outside world.
Why did Opal name the dog Winn Dixie?
That was the name of the store she was in and she couldn't think of anything else quickly.
Why did Opal tell the store manager it was her dog?
She didn't want him to be sent to the pound.
What are 2 characteristics of realistic fiction?
takes place in present/recent past, realistic events and characters, events that make readers think about real life
What is realistic fiction?
A genre about stories that could have happened to people or animals in a real setting.
What is a open compound word?
When two or more words are separate on the page, but used together to create a new idea or meaning.
What is a closed compound word?
When two or more words come together to form a new word.
What is a compound word?
When two or more root words are combined into a new word.
What type of contraction is "don't"?
Negative (verb +not)
What type of contraction is "who're"?
Interrogative adverb
What type of contraction is "what'll"?
Interrogative adverb
What type of contraction is "We're"?
Subject pronoun + verb
What type of contraction is "what's"?
Interrogative adverb
What type of contraction is "can't"?
Negative (verb +not)
What type of contraction is "It's"?
Subject pronoun + verb
What type of contraction is "They're"?
Subject pronoun + verb
What type of contraction is "shouldn't"?
Negative (verb +not)
What is a contraction?
A shorter way to say two words.