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simple present questions
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____ does that girl go swimming? At the club.
_________ do you want to eat? Pasta and cheese.
______ Andy ______ the shopping? (to do)
Does Andy do the shopping?
the girls sell NEWSPAPER everyday.
what do the girls sell everyday?
He gets up AT SEVEN every morning.
what time/ when does he get up?
hey meet ON THE CORNER every morning.
Where do they meet every morning?
he wants to learn English BECAUSE HE WANTS TO TRAVEL
why does he want to learn english?
They travel BY CAR.
how do they travel?
She speaks FRENCH. What ?
What (language) does she speak?
They live IN BROOKLYN. Where _______ ?
where do they live
what mother does your teach ?
what does your mother teach?
class time begin does what the ?
what time does the class begin?
evening he what in do the does ?
what does he do in the evening?
parents buy where food your do ?
where do your parents buy food?
read books Lilly does what ?
what books does Lilly read?
German you why do study ?
Why do you study german?
_________ camping in summer? (Susan and Jack/to go)
Do Susan and Jack go camping in summer?
__________a room with her sister? (Wendy/to share)
Does Wendy share a room with her sister?
_______ a banana in the morning? (Ronda/to eat)
Does Ronda eat a banana in the morning?
____________ to school? (you/to walk)
Do you walk to school?