Edit Game
Summary 1st semester 6to básico

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create a sentence with "I can..." // "I can't...". For example: I can't swim.
"I can..." // "I can't..."
Create a sentence with "I can..." // "I can't...". For example: I can't swim.
"I can..." // "I can't..."
Ask "Can you run?" to a classmate from your team.
Your partner has to answer correctly to win the points
What's this?
This is running!
Ask "What's your favorite sport?" to a classmate from your team
Your partner has to answer correctly to win the points
Ask "Do you exercise everyday?" to a classmate from your team.
Your partner has to answer correctly to win the points
Ask "What sports don't you like?" to a classmate from your team.
Your partner has to answer correctly to win the points
Ask "Can you swim?" to a classmate from your team.
Your partner has to answer correctly to win the points
Ask "What's your favorite sport?" to a classmate from your team
Your partner has to answer correctly to win the points
What's this?
It's swimming!
What's this?
It's table tennis!
What's this?
It's gymnastics.
Give an example of a savoury food. For example: Lasagna
Sandwich, pizza, cazuela, etc...
Give an example of a bitter food. For example: coffee
Chocolate, ginger, broccoli
Is this spicy, salty or bitter?
It's salty!
What's this?
This is a sandwich.
What's this?
These are bananas!
What's this?
This is bread!
What's this?
These are strawberries!
Create a sentence using Like and a fruit. For example: "I like watermelon"
I like...
Is this food sweet, savoury or bitter?
It's sweet
This food is sweet, sour or spicy?
It's sour!
Use I like or I don't like
I like oranges // I don't like oranges