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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What mark should be at the end of this sentence: I am so excited to go to my vacations
Exclamation mark ( ! )
What mark should go at the end of this sentence: When is your birthday
Question mark (?)
What day of the week comes before
What month comes after
what number goes after
what number goes before
is the 4 in 284 in the: a) hundreds, b) tens, c) ones
c) ones
Which of these represent the hundredths place: a) 000, b) two 00, c) 0
a) 000
Is the 7 in 372 in the: a) hundreds, b) tens, c) ones
b) tens
Berni bought 382 flowers at the store. For teacher's day, he gave 26 flowers to Peggy and 31 flowers to Katya. How many flowers does he have left to give out to the rest of his teachers?
He has left 325 flowers.
I sold some of my old toys and recieved $258. I went to the store and spend $187 in a new video game. How much money do I have left?
I have left $71 dollars.
If I have 321 cookies, and 199 candy canes, how many sweets do I have in total?
How much is 348 + 273?
How do you write
How do you write
How do we write
What is missing on the sentence? for carnaval break I went to manta with my grandma leonor
Capital letter at the beginning, "carnaval", and the personal name, and a period.
What is incorrect on this sentence: my dog theodore is very sleepy
A capital letter on the beginning and on the name, and a period.
The word for not happy is:
How do we say write again? Hint: think about prefixes...
Is the "e" in "need" long or short?
Is the "a" in "lake" long or short?
Does "mop" have a long or short "o"?
Is the "i" in "sit" long or short?