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6th Grade Vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does "nonsense" mean?
ridiculous or foolish behavior
What word means "to walk nosily (usually to show anger)"?
What does "steer" mean?
To control the movement of car, boat or plane
What does "shore" mean?
the land along the edge of the sea, pond, or lake
What does "anchor" mean?
A heavy object attached to a rope or chain that can keep a boat in one place
What word means "a a small floating boat made of wood and plastic"?
What word means "a branch of the army"?
What does "booklet" mean?
A small book with a few pieces of paper.
What does "resist" mean?
To fight the urge or desire to do something
What does "nerve" mean?
courage or bravery
What word means "an animal usually born from an egg with scales"?
What word means "a loud scream"?
What word means "to pick up and move"?
What word means "a hint"?
What word means "to take responsibility or blame for something"?
What does "scramble" mean?
to do a movement quickly
What does "perch" mean?
sitting or resting in a high place
What does "imitate" mean?
To copy ormock
What does "combination" mean?
Many things mixed together
What does "nod" mean?
To shake head up and down
What does "briefcase" mean?
A flat, rectangular bag that people carry to work.
What word means "an injury or cut to the skin"?
What word means "to annoy or trouble someone"?
What word means "upset or irritated"?
What word means "a cloth that opens and allows a person or heavy object to float to the ground slowly"?
What word means "on or into a ship, boat, or plane"?
What word means "covered with fur"?
What does "cuddle" mean?
To huge for a long time
What word means "small or few"?
What is a "footbridge"?
A bridge made to be used by people (not cars).
What does "dull" mean?
Not interesting or exciting
What word means "to be very hungry"?
What does "tantrum" mean?
Uncontrollable anger or irritation
What word means "small branches and sticks"?
What does "railing" mean?
A fence or barrier used to keep people from falling
What does "hollow" mean?
To have a hole or empty space inside.
What word means "to yell or scream"?
What word means "to pour out"?
What does "tumble" mean?
To fall suddenly
What does "hesitate" mean?
To pause or stop before doing or saying something because you are unsure.
What word means "a way that someone pronounces words based on their native language"
What word means "to look at the details of something carefully"?
What word means "a person that attacks and robs people"?
What does "crib" mean?
A baby bed.
What does "innocent" mean?
Not guilty of doing something to hurt others
What does "wander" mean?
To walk slowly or without purpose
What does "dagger" mean?
A short knife used as a weapon
What does "deck" mean?
The floor of a ship or boat