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DW6 - have to
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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they / practice the piano the day after tomorrow
They will have to practice the piano the day after tomorrow.
Peter / have dinner with his family every evening
Peter has to have dinner with his family every evening.
Marry and Terry / go to the dentist the day before yesterday
Marry and Terry had to go to the dentist the day before yesterday.
John / get up early this morning
John had to get up early this morning.
my frangparents / leave home early last night
My grandparents had to leave home early last night.
my father / go to work yesterday
My father had to go to work yesterday.
I / do my homework today
I have to do my homework today.
John / go fishing with his father tomorrow
John will have to go fishing with his father tomorrow.
Mike and Tina / go to the doctor last month
Mike and Tina had to go to the doctor last month.
you / wash your father's car next weekend
You will have to wash your father's car next weekend.
I / go to shcool yesterday
I had to go to school yesterday.
Tina / do her homework last night
Tina had to do her homework last night.
we / study math very hard tonight
We will have to study math very hard tonight.
Mother / do some shopping tomorrow.
Mother will have to do some shopping tomorrow.
Sally / visit her grandma in the hospital.
Sally has to visit her grandma in the hospital.
I / stay home tonight
I will have to stay home tonight.
Dad / read the newspaper every morning
Dad has to read the newspaper every morning.
you / take the dog to the animal doctor
You have to take the dog to the animal doctor.
John / go to work this weekend
John will have to go to work this weekend.
she / take care of her baby
She has to take care of her baby.
they / leave here early
They have to leave here early.
he / study in America
He has to study in America.