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UESL Spring 2022 English Final Exam Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The author’s purpose of a blog post telling people not to adopt pets if they are single and work full time is to
The author’s purpose of a book that explains different types of common printer issues is to __
The author’s purpose of an encyclopedia article about the history of macarons is to __.
Name the five parts of PLOT. (Think of the plot mountain.)
Conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
Replace the entire capitalized phrase with ONE possessive pronoun. "I feel bad that Mr. Ben is going to shave MR. BEN'S head."
Replace the entire capitalized phrase with ONE possessive pronoun. "I would lend you a charger, but I left THE ONE THAT BELONGS TO ME at home."
Identify the preposition in the sentence. "Did you wash your hands after you fed that giraffe?"
Identify the preposition in the sentence. "You have gone over the line."
We always __ at this corner table; you get out of the way! [ sit | sat | will sit | are sitting ]
__ these the only seats left? [ am | is | are | do | does ]
__ you have any black or dark blue shorts at home? [ am | is | are | do | does ]
Identify the following sentence as declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, or an interjection. "This vacuum is no better than using my hands."
Identify the following sentence as declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, or an interjection. "Hurry up, pick out what you want."
Change the given base verb to the PRESENT CONTINUOUS to complete the sentence. "Can you please stop asking to go to recess while Mr. Albert __?" [eat]
is eating
Write the contraction formed by the capitalized words. "If you can't find your bus card now, you MUST HAVE left it at home."
After eating a lot of sugar, Ahin flipped her hair __ than before. [ crazy | crazily | more crazily | most crazily ]
more crazily
Voldemort wanted to become the __ wizard in the entire land. [ powerful | powerfully | more powerful | most powerful ]
most powerful
Identify the part of speech of the capitalized word. "Did you really have the AUDACITY to tell the principal, 'Going to the bathroom is a human right,' and go without permission?"
Identify the part of speech of the capitalized word. "Elizabeth DECIDED that no one but her should be able to use the extra bathroom."
Identify the part of speech of the capitalized word. "You were ABSENT the day Sushant pulled the fire alarm."
Ms. Graham was ready to __ her book after writing it for three years. [ converse | languages | publish | represent ]
The apartment residents were against [ erect | celebrate | organize | spectacle ] a tall office building that would block their view of the Han River.
Ju Young played basketball so late, he didn't go home until [ dusk | gigantic | microscopic | temperature ]
That Italian restaurant is fun because you can __ cheese onto your pasta yourself. [ braided | calorie | grate | ingredients ]
It's not __ to force students to wear long pants in the hot summer. (ancient | inappropriate | reasonable | squishy)